Call for Proposals for FY2024 Grant-in Aid for Fostering Joint International Research

FY2024 grant application guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from this page for the following grant categories: Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research)

Due date for submission of application documents: September 2, 2024, 5:00 p.m. strictly

*Please note that the application schedule and the due date have been changed this year. 

Before the deadline, please create Research Proposal Document using the KAKENHI Electronic Application System and send a "temporarily saved" PDF file as an e-mail attachment to the Office of Research Development and Sponsored Project, Hiyoshi Campus before "submitting" it on the system.
After that, please send the final version of your Research Proposal Document reflecting the modification requests from the Office of RD & Sponsored Project, Hiyoshi via the system, and submit the final PDF version as an email attachment to our office by September 9 (Mon.).

e-Rad Account

To access the KAKENHI electronic application system, you will need your login ID and password for the e-Rad (e-Research and Development Management System).
If you do not have them, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you have lost your login ID or password, please refer to p. 30 of the following guide.

Application for Fostering Joint International Research and Approval of Head of Department

The purpose of the Fostering Joint International Research is to encourage Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, and Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows) adopters to conduct international joint research to further develop their current research projects and achieve outstanding research results.
To apply for this program, please download the "Application Approval Form" from the link below, obtain approval from your Head of Department, and send it to the office of RD & Sponsored Project, Hiyoshi.

Information from JSPS

Information from JSPS

KAKENHI Electronic Application System (Operation Guide for Researchers)



Office of Research Development and Sponsored Project, Hiyoshi (Raiosha)
e-mail: ras-hiyoshi[at]

#33000, 33002, 33007